Club Info

How to use PhotoEntry to enter Club Competitions

Google “PhotoEntry login” for website access
or click here in online Programme.
Link to PE login website in online Programme.

To use PhotoEntry for the first time
New members will get an email to say you have been registered in the KDCC PhotoEntry system. This email will give you a link to login for the first time with your user id (your name in lower case with a space between first and second name) and a temporary password. Follow the instructions to enter your details and create your own password. You will need to know your KDCC Member Number.

To prepare your images for PhotoEntry upload
1. Size your image to either 1600px wide or 1200px high, making sure neither dimension is exceeded. Therefore, landscape-oriented images should be no more than 1600px wide, portrait-oriented images no more than 1200 pixels high, and square images a maximum of 1200 x 1200 pixels. Resolution doesn’t matter, but 72ppi is the best.
2. In the Properties or File Information (aka Metadata) enter the Title and your Author Name only.
3. The Profile should be sRGB for best projection (including Mono), but Adobe RGB will be accepted.
4. Save your image file with the Image Title only with no member number or other information in the title.

To upload your images using PhotoEntry
1. Login to PhotoEntry and click on the competition group in Main Menu, eg “Open Competitions”.
2. Choose the competition to enter, eg “4th Open Colour Prints”.
3. Click on “Add New Entry” below the information about the competition.
4. Type in Entry Title.
5. Ignore the other options and click “Add This Entry”.
6. Click “Choose JPEG”.
7. Find the image file on your PC/Mac and click Open.
8. Click “Upload Image”.
9. If the image is not sized correctly it will not be accepted and the program will ask you to re-size and try again. The most common error is for the height to be more than 1200px on a slightly landscape image.
10. After upload it may say that the Colour Profile incorrect. You may ignore this; or you can delete the entry, change it to sRGB and re-enter.
11. Repeat steps 3-8 for your second or subsequent entries in the same competition, otherwise repeat from step 2.
12. All images, including those you intend to submit as prints, should be uploaded to PhotoEntry in this way. Take the physical prints to the meeting as usual on the deadline date.
13. Finally, to complete your Open or Wildlife entry, email to identify your reserve images.

Reserve images
In order to control the number of entries per competition, members are asked to identify “reserve images” which may be removed by the Internal Competition Secretary if the total number of entries exceeds 70.
• For each competition, if you enter more than three images across all the categories, please identify as reserves your fourth and fifth images, as necessary.
• Members may choose reserves from several different categories, so reserves can be a mix of prints and PDIs in Opens or a mix of Flora/Fauna in Wildlife, to leave a total of three or four to be judged on any one evening.
• Email and identify your reserves in the email with the numbers 4 and 5 (if you enter that many), to indicate that 5 should be withdrawn first, then 4.
• If no email is received identifying reserve images, the Internal Competition Secretary will make the decision which to withdraw if entry numbers do need to be reduced.