Competition Results
Results 2022/23 - 4th Open
20th April 2023, Judge: Bruce Robinson
Colour Prints
Gold: The Magenta Window, Kate Barnett
Silver: Heading for the Finish Line, Malcolm Lee
Bronze: Wembury Sunset, David Shawe
HC: Shame, Brett Hornby
HC: An Teallach, Wester Ross, David Shawe
C: Skidding to a Stop. Mike Wynne-Powell
C: The Office, Lisa Large
Mono Prints
Gold: Footprints in the Dunes, David Shawe
Silver: Spiral, David Shawe
Bronze: Ditsworthy Warren House, James Day
HC: Into the Mist, Stuart Barnes
C: She Looks, Lisa Large
C: S Bend, Michael Grover
Gold: Yellow Crowned Night Hero, Ginny Campbell
Silver: Ready for the Battle, Gill Matthews
Bronze: Red Squirrel, Rowena Mynott
HC: Gaia at Exeter Cathedral, Mike Wynne-Powell
HC: Swan Splash, Stuart Barnes
C: Elegance, Ginny Campbell
C: 6 and 2 Dogs, James Day
C: Jock, Kate Barnett
Colour Prints
Gold: The Magenta Window, Kate Barnett
Silver: Heading for the Finish Line, Malcolm Lee
Bronze: Wembury Sunset, David Shawe
HC: Shame, Brett Hornby
HC: An Teallach, Wester Ross, David Shawe
C: Skidding to a Stop. Mike Wynne-Powell
C: The Office, Lisa Large
Mono Prints
Gold: Footprints in the Dunes, David Shawe
Silver: Spiral, David Shawe
Bronze: Ditsworthy Warren House, James Day
HC: Into the Mist, Stuart Barnes
C: She Looks, Lisa Large
C: S Bend, Michael Grover
Gold: Yellow Crowned Night Hero, Ginny Campbell
Silver: Ready for the Battle, Gill Matthews
Bronze: Red Squirrel, Rowena Mynott
HC: Gaia at Exeter Cathedral, Mike Wynne-Powell
HC: Swan Splash, Stuart Barnes
C: Elegance, Ginny Campbell
C: 6 and 2 Dogs, James Day
C: Jock, Kate Barnett